Second Sunday of Lent, Year B, 25th February 2024

This is my Son, the Beloved.’

Trust in the Lord is the theme that links all this week’s readings. As we continue our Lenten journey, we are reminded of the extent of the Lord’s love and generosity – if we but listen to his voice and place our trust in him.

In the First Reading we see the depth of Abraham’s trust in God as he is asked to sacrifice his beloved son. Abraham’s faithfulness is rewarded with more blessings than he could ever have imagined.

The Psalmist gives thanks and praise to the Lord who has freed him, reminding us that he trusted God even when sorely afflicted. Like him, we can rejoice as we walk in the presence of the Lord.

In the Second Reading, echoing the story of Abraham and Isaac, St Paul challenges us to recall the immensity of God’s love for the world in giving up his Son. With Jesus standing at the right hand of God pleading for us, we can have confidence in placing all our trust in him.

In the Gospel, Jesus asks Peter, James and John to trust him and not speak of the wonder of what they have witnessed on the mountain top.

This week we pray for the grace to trust and to listen ever more closely to the voice of the Lord, so that we too might walk in his presence.