First Sunday of Lent, Year B, 18th February 2024

The Good News of the Covenant

We began our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday. This first Sunday of Lent now leads us immediately into Jesus’s own journey into the desert in prayer, fasting, and to face temptation.

The First Reading reminds us of the journey of God’s chosen people. Here God establishes his Covenant with Noah and all his descendants, and with the whole of creation. Never again will God destroy the earth with a flood. He leaves a bow in the sky to confirm this.

St Peter (Second Reading) links the few people Noah saved ‘by water’ to ourselves. We are saved through the baptism that Christ won for us by his death and resurrection.

The Gospel gives a short account of Jesus being tempted in the desert. He emerges ready to proclaim his message: ‘The kingdom of God is close at hand’.

The Psalm reflects the message of hope that is contained in all the readings. The Lord’s ways are faithfulness and love.

May we take heart from the scriptures as we begin our Lenten journey, ready to follow the Lord’s ways, and eager to learn his paths.