Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (The Sunday of the Word of God), Year B, 21st January 2024

‘Lord, teach me your paths’

Today, as the Roman Catholic Church celebrates this ‘Sunday of the Word of God’, Pope Francis reminds us: Christ Jesus is knocking at our door in the words of sacred scripture. If we hear his voice and open the doors of our mind and hearts, then he will enter our lives and remain ever with us.

In the First Reading, Jonah takes the word of God to the people in Nineveh. They hear it, are inspired to change their evil ways, and God shows them his mercy.

God’s love and forgiveness are at the heart of the Psalm, as we pray for better understanding of the ways in which the Lord invites us to live our lives.

St Paul issues a challenge to the Christian community in Corinth in this week’s Second Reading.  At the centre of this, though, is an encouragement to us to free our minds and hearts from reliance on the things of this world, and to place our hope in the reign of God.

The Gospel speaks of the opening of the hearts and minds of the first apostles as they leave behind everything they know in order to follow Jesus.

This week, perhaps I can give myself the gift of a little extra time with scripture. I pray that the Lord will open my mind and heart, so I can see more clearly where my path with him lies.