Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A, 24th September 2023

Seek the Lord!

The generous love of the Lord is very close to us. The readings for this Sunday remind us that when we seek the Lord, we can be confident of receiving a warm, forgiving welcome – no matter who we are.

The prophet Isaiah (First Reading) invites us to seek and find the Lord who is near to us. When we do this, God will embrace us with a rich forgiveness.

The Psalm is a blessing song of wonder and awe to the Lord who is close to us, full of compassion, abounding in love and kindness.

St Paul’s letter to the Philippians (Second Reading) is written by one who is confident of the closeness of Christ. We, too, are encouraged to focus our lives on the Gospel values of Christ.

The parable of the workers in the vineyard (Gospel) presents an encouraging, if challenging, image of the generosity of God. We are invited to accept this generosity for ourselves and express it towards others. If this seems too hard for us to comprehend, let us take heart that the ways of the Lord are very different from our own ways.

The words of Scripture reassure us that we need not worry, for the Lord is near to us, ever present. Our God is full of compassion and forgiveness, willing us to seek him out. Let us pray that the whole Christian community will be inspired always to seek the Lord. Together as the body of Christ, we can transform the world with the justice and generosity of God.