Second Sunday of Lent, Year A, 5th March 2023

God has saved us by his own grace

Today’s readings encourage us to think about our journey of faith in the company of the transfigured Lord, and the importance of trusting in the call and grace of God our Father.

The First Reading tells of God’s astonishing call to Abram to abandon his land, his family and his nation, and Abram’s generous response. With divine blessing and guidance, Abram (who becomes Abraham) finds a new home and a new life, serving as an example to us all. 

In his letter to Timothy, Paul makes it clear that we are called to holiness: a holiness not of our own making, but of God. Like Timothy, we are reminded that we are not alone. We are invited to rely on the divine power and grace revealed by the life and death of Christ Jesus. Like Abraham, we, too, must learn to live by trusting in God’s grace and his calling of us. (Second Reading)

Trust in God the Father is exemplified above all in the life of Jesus. Today’s Gospel shows him transfigured on the mountain top, radiant with divine light. The Father proclaims Jesus as his Beloved Son, and adds the all-important invitation: ‘Listen to him’.

The Psalm meditates on the creative power of the Lord, encouraging us to put our trust in the One who fills the earth with his love.

This week, we may like to pray for a deepening personal relationship with Christ Jesus. We ask to listen to his voice, to hear his call to personal ministry, and to feel his touch in our daily lives.

We also continue to pray for peace in our troubled world.