Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, 22nd May 2022

‘A peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.’

As we continue through Eastertide, the readings at Sunday Mass turn towards the Holy Spirit. In Jesus’s Farewell Discourse to his disciples (Gospel), he announces that he is to return to his Father, and tells them not to be afraid or troubled: he will still be with them through the Holy Spirit. Jesus also bestows on them the gift of his peace.

In the First Reading, we see how, despite the differences between members of the early Christian Church, the community was guided by the Holy Spirit in coming to decisions.

The Second Reading shows the transformation that has been brought about by the death and resurrection of Christ; the new Jerusalem is in perfect order and needs no temple, because God is already in union with God’s people, dwelling in them.

In a song of thanksgiving, the Psalmist asks God to bless everyone, and for God’s ways and saving help to be known to all.

This week, let us pray for peace for all nations, especially for the people of Ukraine, eastern Europe, Yemen, Syria and Palestine, as well as for ourselves. I may also ask that I share Christ’s word with those I encounter through my actions.