Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 16th January 2022

‘Do whatever he tells you.’

In the First Reading this week, Isaiah uses the beautiful imagery of a wedding to describe the ways in which the deep love of God for his people will transform our lives.  God delights in us:  ‘As the bridegroom rejoices in his bride so will your God rejoice in you’.

Another wedding scene is described in today’s Gospel.   At the beginning of his public life, Jesus’s love and care transform a wedding feast from disaster to joyous celebration by turning water into wine.

St Paul teaches the church in Corinth about how God works through the many different people in the church so that they (and we) can use their gifts in a variety of ways in his service, united by the one Spirit working through them all to transform the lives of others. (Second Reading)

The Psalm invites us to praise God and to proclaim the good news of God’s transforming love to all peoples.

In what ways do we need the Lord to transform our lives this week?