Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C, 19th December 2021

“Blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

Christ is coming! The readings this weekend are full of an expectation. God’s promise through Micah is fulfilled in the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, and their faith.

In the First Reading, Micah proclaims that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem and lead his flock back to their land in peace.

The Psalm is a plea to the Shepherd of Israel for this return, and for the sending of the Messiah, the chosen one.

The Second Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews emphasizes the fact that the Christ who redeemed us took on a human body, like ours.

The Gospel helps us gather all these themes: obedience to God’s will; faith in his promises; and especially faith in the Incarnation – Jesus our Saviour, already becoming flesh in Mary’s womb.

May we journey through these last days of Advent in Mary’s company, so that Christ may be born in us.