Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, 9th June 2024

With the Lord there is mercy

The readings this week  reflect on our severing ourselves from the love of God through our sins, and on the mercy and forgiveness that is always available to us when we turn to the Lord.

In the First Reading, we see Adam and Eve wilfully disobeying God and refusing to acknowledge their error. Their blaming each other separates them from God.

The verses of the Psalm tell of a contrite person longing and waiting for the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness.

St Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, tells them that the raising of the Lord Jesus will in turn also raise us believers, so that we can be united with God and live close to him. (Second Reading)

Finally, the Gospel shows us a Jesus pressed by the crowds and by his relatives, who do not understand what he is about. Doing the will of God will make us part of his family.

This week, we might pray for all those who do not fully appreciate the mercy and forgiveness the Lord is offering. We may also want to pray for all those, who for whatever reason, do not seek to do the will of God.