Sunday after Pentecost: The Most Holy Trinity, Year B, 26th May, 2024

‘Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.’

As always on this first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. This is the central mystery of our faith – our God, one in three persons, in whose name we were all welcomed at our baptism.

In the First Reading Moses reminds the people of everything God has done for them in releasing them from slavery in Egypt. All they – and we– are asked in return for the prosperity and eternal life that God offers, is that we obey the commandments.

In a similar vein, the Psalmist rejoices in the gifts God gives to all his chosen people. We are reminded particularly of the gifts of creation, protection from want and evil, and God’s faithful love.

In the Second Reading, St Paul speaks of the Spirit which makes us all children of God. Through this gift of the Spirit, we, like Jesus, can call God our Father, and share in his glory.

In the Gospel we see the risen Jesus handing on to the disciples their mission of baptising people throughout the world in the name of the Trinity. He reminds them, and ourselves, that he remains with us always.

This week, we pray that filled with God’s Spirit, we will be ready to share the Trinity’s message of love with the people we meet.